Valentine Sothoron

Nicholas Waddylove of Congadbegg demands land for his family and servants. Servants include Thomas Southern & Valentine Southern. Warrant given to lay out 1,900 acres, return 25 December. (Land Patents 4:5, 1659.04.28)

Mary born to Valentine Southren, June 1664. (Arch MD 54:187 - Kent Co. Court Proceedings B:75)

Dorethy Sutherin, daughter born to Vallentyne & Mary Sutherin on 16 February 1668. (Arch MD 54:187 - Kent Co. Court Proceedings B:76)

Toby Wells plan., Valentine Southerne Deft

- In an Action of debt upon Account the deft not being in the County the Court doth order A referance to the next Court. (Arch MD 54:242 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:6, 1668.03.31)

In the action of Toby Wells vs. Valentine Southerne, defendant produced an account with Wells. The court found for the defendant, requiring Wells to pay him 891 pounds of tobacco with cost of suit. (Arch MD 54:249 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:10, 1668.08.25)

Under the heading of Burialls, “Mary the wife of Valentine: Sutherin dyed the 5th November 1669.” (Arch MD 54:188 - Kent Co. Court Proceedings B:77 [Also Arch MD 54:268])

Valentine Sutherin of Kent Co. presented on 29 July 1670 an account of cattle in his possession which belong to Mary Seale: 3 cows, 2 calves, one 2 year old heifer & 2 yearlings. (Arch MD 54:291 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:38)

Vallenting Sutherin, Recordeth his marke for the futher as Followeth: A swallow forke with the topp of the Eare cutt off on the Right: A Crop & under keele on the Left Eare: (Arch MD 54:299 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:43; Kent Co.,1670.10.21 )

Valentine Southerne & Katherine his wife proved then Two Rights due for their time of Service in this Province his due 1660 her due 1667.

     Sworn before me Matt. Warde__

     Know all men by these presents that I Valentine Southern and Katherine his wife of Kent County doe afsigne over unto Jeremiah Eaton his heirs and Afsignes Two Rights to Land for one hundred acres of Land due to us for Servitude and proved before m. Matthew Ward yB Sixth of December 1671 To hae & to hold to him the said_ Jeremiah Eaton his heirs Executo. & Administrats. or Afsignes for Ever and doe warrant the Same as wittnefs my hand and Seale the 27th of August 1672.

                                                                                            the marke of___

                        Signed sealed & Delivd. in the                         Valentine V Southerne (Sealed)

                        presence of Pet: Harrison                              the marke of

                            John Currer                                                 Katherine † Southerne (Sealed)

27 August 1672.  (Land Patents WT:699 [Transcribed 17:24], Kent Co., MD, 1671.12.06)

Richard Morris dec'd, left no widow but left a 3 year old orphan. Guardian appointed, Vallentine Southeron a witness. (Test Proc 6:81, Kent Co., MD., about 1673)

Inventory of Richard Morris appraised by Michael Miller & Vallentine Souther. Vallentine V Southern his mark. (Test Proc 6:205, Kent Co., MD 1674.03.16, Recorded 1674.05.15)

Will of Disborough Bennett, attested by Valentine Southerin. (Baldwin* 1:196 - Wills 5:294, Kent Co., MD, 1676.04.26, Proved 1677.07.09)

Indenture of 20 November 1679 between Richard Pether of Kent Co., MD & Valentine Southern of same county. For 1,800 pounds of tobacco Pether conveys parcel of land adjoining that of John Phillips on Pigg Quarter Creek upon Kent Island bounding on south with lands of said Phillips, 80 perches to marked oak on east with line drawn north from said oak for 200 perches to marked oak on north with line drawn west from said oak into Pigg Quarter Creek on west with said Creek containing about 100 acres. Signed Richard Pether his mark; witnessed by William Chamberlain & Charles Vaughan. Recorded 30 Nov 1680 "folio 92...Lib. H." (Kent Co., MD Land Records B:42)

Thomas Osborne & Valentine Suthorn warranted as appraisers of the estate of Eliz. Eareckson late of Kent Co. (Test Proc 13:94, Kent Co., 1683.02.14)

Thomas Osborne & Valentine Southerne give oath to act as appraisers of the estate of Elizabeth Earrkson. (Test Proc 13:121, Kent Co., MD, 1684.05.08)

Inventory of the estate of Thomas Cooper, under the hands & seals of Vallentine Southern & Christopher Ranger, ordered to be recorded. (Test Proc 14:57, Kent Co., MD, 1688.04.03)

Patent by Valentine Southern for Southerns Addition, 84 acres, in what is now Queen Anne's Co.. Certification: same reference. Per MSA card file. (Land Patent C#3:24, 1694)

The will of Samuell Wheeler. Inventory of estate submitted by Vallentin Sothern & Henry Carter, appraised at £124.4.0. (Test Proc 16:84, Kent Co., MD, 1695.08)

An Account of the several Parishes together with the bounds & names of Vestrymen.

- Mr. Valintine Southern a Vestryman in Kent Island Parish, Kent Co. Includes 146 taxables. (Arch MD Maryland 23:17-21 - Proceedings of the Council of Maryland HD:44, 1696)

Will of Thomas Dennis. Names those to care for his daughters Mary, Catherine & Sarah. Attested by Valentine Sotheron. (Baldwin* 2:178 - Wills 6:262, Talbot Co., MD, 1699.02.06, Proved 1699.05.11)


Will of Valentine Southeron. To granddaughter Mary Dennis, the plantation John Phillips, on eastern side of Kent Island. To granddaughter Catherine Dennis, unnamed land. To granddaughter Sarah Dennis, Southerons Addition, 80 acres. If granddaughters die without issue, lands to pass to Christ Church Parish on Kent Island. (Wills 11:432, Talbot Co., MD, 1699.02.06, Proved 1702)

Inventory of Valentine Southeron. Per MSA card index. (Inv & Accts 23:182, Talbot Co., MD, 1702)

- Account of Valentine Southeron. Per MSA card index. (Accts WB#3:130, Maryland, 1703)

Exhibited the account of Valentine Sothern, payments made out of same for 12,671 pounds of tobacco, account appraised at £126.05.01. (Test Proc 20:27, Talbot Co., MD, 1703.02.17)

Wills exhibited at the October Court includes that of Valentine Southerne, recorded in Wills Liber 3. (Test Proc 20:1, Talbot Co., MD, 1703.02.23)

Bond of Val. Southoron, executor of Francis Stevens, sureties Thomas Mark & Issac Winehoster, for £200. (Test Proc 19#A:209, Talbot Co., MD, 1703.03.09, Recorded 1703.10)

Exhibited estate of Vallentine Southorne, appraised at £125.07.11, ordered recorded. (Test Proc 19#A:174, Talbot Co., MD, 1703.08.05)

List of accounts recorded, includes Francis Stevens, administrator for Valentine Southoron. (Test Proc 20:67, Talbot Co., MD, Recorded 1704.10)

Account of Valentine Southeron. Per MSA card index. (Accounts - Box 1, folder 30, Kent Co., MD, 1705)

Account of Valentine Southeron. Per MSA card index. (Accts 25:83, Talbot Co., MD, 1705)

Will of William Scott. Property called Todd left to his wife Sophia; at her death to pass to Hannnah, wife of Valentine Southern. (Baldwin* 3:77 -Wills 12:38, Talbot Co., MD, 1702.09.18, Proved 1705.02.08)

Additional account of the estate of Vallentine Southeren. (Test Proc 19#B:100, Talbot Co., MD, 1705.05.22, Recorded 1705.10.14)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.